Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kinematics Graph

The other day, I was wondering what complex and challenging labs Mr. Chung could come up for us regarding the unit of kinematics. Luckily, he had fallen below my expectations, because each member in my group had the balance and patience of Geishas.

In our experiment, we were given a motion senser, a binder, a laptop, and were asked to walk several graphs on said laptop. The graphs were relating distance versus time, and velocity (speed) versus time. 5 graphs were walked, and we soon learned many new fascinating facts regarding motion. The most intriguing fact had to be that negative velocity is achievable, because negative velocity is merely going in the opposite direction of the way that was originally intended.

Now, with all seriousness, the task at hand, although interesting, still proved to be a pain in the behind. Following the wise observation by Mr. Chung in the beginning of the year, which had roughly been something along the lines of, "All A.Y. Kids want perfect, if something's wrong then it has to be redone...etc.". In the case of this lab, our A.Y. perfectionist hunger was unable to be fulfilled, although the results will show the reader that the graphs were a hair's length away from perfect, tears were shed, blood was spilled, hair was savagely ripped out of our heads..........not.

Overall, this lab was indefinitely one of the best labs we'd done so far in physics. Mr. Chung can be resourceful (where'd we get funding for motion sensers?!) and time-consuming (15 minutes after school?!), but he's proven without a doubt to be a fun and creative teacher. Looking forward to more in the future.

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