Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This is our concept map from class.

10 things you NEED to know about electricity? Hmm..

In order of what comes to mind:

10. Ohm's law (V= IR)
9. Kirchhoff's laws (current, voltage)
8. How to find current in a simple & complex circuit
7. How to find voltage in a simple & complex circuit
6. The definition of current (amount of charge passed through a point at a given time)
5. The definition of voltage (the potential difference across point A and point B)
4. Power formula and how to derive other formulas of power (P=IV), (P=V squared /R) (P=I squared times R)...etc.
3. Difference between conventional current (positive -> negative flow) and electron flow (negative to positive flow)
2. How to find the slope of a graph (rise/run)
1. Ammeter and voltmeters

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